Friday, June 18, 2010

Fireworks Safety

Fireworks safety MFD style.

Not the best rapping ever but it gets the point across. It even made CNN a few weeks back.
These are Michigan laws, so be sure to check your local laws on fireworks too. Stay safe this summer!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The "Firefighter Dance"

If your going to be buying ice cream you might as well make it worth it..

I'm diving in...

Ok so this is the start of my blog. My goal is to have a fun and entertaining fire service related site for all of you to enjoy. I'll take hints, tips, and criticism, especially with the site's design and look. If you want to link to my blog(hint hint wink wink) just let me know.

My first "real" post should come soon, maybe tonight if David Letterman and Jimmy Kimmel don't have anything good on...

Testing 1 2 3...

Testing, check check.